Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 37 starts today!

Starting today, I am 37 weeks, meaning that if she were born today, she would be considered full term. As a guess...the average fetus this age weighs about 6.5 lbs.
This week I had another appointment and we got some more good news. My doctor check me and I am 70% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated! Talk about excited!!! My body is just rocking along in the right direction and I can't me any happier at this point in time. I thank GOD that he has allowed me to start getting ready for labor all on my own!
Our next appointment is next week, Thursday November 12th at 11:00am. This week I am having my final ultrasound to get an idea of how much she weighs at this point and if she is head down and ready! (which she was head down when we went and had our 4D ultrasound a few weeks ago) I can't wait for this next appointment. I am dying to find out how big she is.
Just keep us in your prayers!