Tuesday, September 6, 2011

35/36 weeks

Last week I was 35 weeks pregnant. I went to see my doctor, for I have started going once a weeks now. She checked me and I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was soooo excited and I really felt like that 2 mile walk I took 2 days before my appointment really made a difference.

This week I am 36 weeks pregnant. Today I went to the doctor and she checked me again. This time I am at 2.5cm and still 70% effaced. I was a little disappointed, but I know that I still have a few weeks yet. I was just wanting to have made more progress than that. I guess I'm just going to have to get out and make myself walk more than once a week. I was in so much more shape with Capri than I am this time. My doctor mentioned inducing me on the 29th of this month, but I really don't want to be induced! I told her that we would wait til next week to see if my body had made anymore progress. So I guess I need to "get to work!" :)

Please pray that everything will work out and that I will have my doctor when the time is right!