Monday, June 14, 2010

A desire to change

Lately I've been desiring to be the best that I can possible be! I want to be the best Christian that I can be, the best Wife that I need to be, the best Mother that I can be, best Daughter, Grand-daughter, Sister, Friend, In-Law, and Artist that I can possible be! I want to live my life 100% and I want to show LOVE!!! I know that I can NOT do all of that to the fullest without Gods help! I've asked him to give me the encouragement and strength to do all that I do to the fullest.

Wayne has been preaching on "Sawdust". He says that as Christians, we can sometimes eat more sawdust than oats. This means that we get used to the things of the world and place them above God and learning his word. Man, did I feel like he was talking to ME! Before Capri was born I went to God for everything. I studied my Bible to deepen my relationship with him. The more I read and learned, the more I wanted to read and learn. My relationship with God was growing! Once Capri got here, I put her above my relationship with God. I put my role as a Wife and as a Mother before everything and everyone. Now I have to change! I want my love for God to be as before. I want to desire to study his word again. I want to desire to worship again. I want to desire to love everyone and to show Gods love to everyone again. But most of all, I desire to be the best that I can be through God! My prayer is that anyone who knows me or anyone that I may come in contact with will see Gods love in me!

photo by: a.nation