Wednesday, November 25, 2009

39 weeks and waiting

Well, Capri and I have made it to the 39 week milestone! And what a milestone it is!!! It's funny how I think back before I was pregnant and remember other women who were pregnant and about to pop saying..."I just can't wait"...and I always thought..."why, they're going to be some much more trouble outside of your stomach!" Hahaha now I can totally understand!

I went to my doctor on Monday and she checked me like she does every week and I have progressed to 3cm dilated :) but I'm still at 80% effaced! The good news is she streched me to 4cm, so at this point we are just waiting on the major contractions to start. I'm thinking that they have to be soon! I did have a small brake down yesterday...trying to weigh out my options on what to do, scared to death that I'm going to go into labor when my doctor is not on call, and trying to decided how much farther do I want to go on my own. All these things just caught up with me. I really, really want to do this on my own and naturally...but I have a friend telling me (she had Dr. Newman as her OBGYN) that if there was a chance that I may not get my doctor, then to have her induce me because she is just that good! Then I have my aunt (who is a nurse) telling me that if I want to go NOT have her induce me and put me on the pit. "AHHHHHHH" So here I am trying to go on my own, fighting the inducement option and then my doctor tells me that she is not on call Fri-Sun! That made things worse!!! That is what caused the brake down!!! :( What do I do?
I finally called my doctors office and left a message for the nurse to call me back so we could talk about my options. When she called I was telling her how I was feeling and she let me know that Dr. Newman had switched weekends with another doctor and is on call all weekend long!!! Praise God!!! So if I don't go into labor by Monday, then I have an apt at 11:00am that morning and I think we may talk options then!

Please pray for me and the baby...that everything will work out, I'll get my doctor and this will happen on its own time!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

38 Weeks and an attitude adjustment

Last week I posted my 37 week post a few days before my next appointment, and then I forgot to let everyone know what the progress was then. We has our ultrasound and baby Capri is weighing in at about 6.8lbs...I know!!! and I was almost 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Just thought I would let everyone know the progression of last week before I went into this weeks appointment.

As you all may know already...I am approaching the end! This week Capri and I are at 38 weeks along and I am ready to be done. I attended the doctors office on Tuesday to hear some really good news... I am at 2.5 cm dilated!!! How exciting is that?! We also learned that I was still 80% effaced, which is what I was last week. So we made some progress in dilating and no progress in effacing. :( Then, as Dr. Newman was checking me, she asked if I would like for her to strip my membranes... this sometimes can help labor along if your body is ready...she said that this could be me into labor within 48 hours, well if my body was ready. So here we are...49 hours after that appointment and still no baby Capri! That has been a little disappointing because I am so ready to have her. Don tries to give me a little encouragement by tell me to think about my pregnancy; how it has been great and I have been really blessed to have not had any problems and to think that I am NOT OVERDUE yet, so there's still time for her to be developing inside my womb. I guess I just need to change my attitude from disappointment to thankfulness.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 37 starts today!

Starting today, I am 37 weeks, meaning that if she were born today, she would be considered full term. As a guess...the average fetus this age weighs about 6.5 lbs.
This week I had another appointment and we got some more good news. My doctor check me and I am 70% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated! Talk about excited!!! My body is just rocking along in the right direction and I can't me any happier at this point in time. I thank GOD that he has allowed me to start getting ready for labor all on my own!
Our next appointment is next week, Thursday November 12th at 11:00am. This week I am having my final ultrasound to get an idea of how much she weighs at this point and if she is head down and ready! (which she was head down when we went and had our 4D ultrasound a few weeks ago) I can't wait for this next appointment. I am dying to find out how big she is.
Just keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

36 weeks, pics, and appointment on the way!

Here we are at City Park School in Athens, on a beautiful fall day. I had some pictures made by Ben, and I love everyone! You should check out a few of them at:!
Well, Capri and I have made it to the 36 weeks milestone! And what a milestone it is! At this point every day is a milestone. All I have to say is that I am ready! :)
I do have an appointment coming up at the end of this week that Don and I are really excited about. Last week when we went my Dr. told me that I was dilated 1 cm. Talk about excitement!!! I'm just hoping that I have made more progress for this week.
Keep us in your prayers!! For my body is trying to slow down and my mind wants to keep up the same pace. Now this is hard! Just pray that I give in to my body and slow down! I don't need to over do myself.
Please just pray!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

35 weeks

Just a small update....
I went to the doctor yesterday, now I am going once a week since I am getting closer, and closer to time! :) I had a few questions to me cramping a little and some other things. The cramping is "practice contractions" called Braxton Hicks. This is normal. She also decided to check me to see how things are going...and I am dilated 1 cm!!! How exciting!!! Although, I could stay dilated 1 cm for a while, but it's nice to know that my body is heading in the right direction. Praise God!

Monday, October 12, 2009

33 weeks and some 3D pics.

A dear friend of mine was generous enough to insist that Don and I get a 4D ultrasound done. She accompanied us as we eagerly awaited to see our baby girl, and what an experience it was! So everyone, meet Capri!

This week Capri and I are 7 weeks away from the big due date! She is estimated to be 4.5 lbs and still plenty of growing up and out to do! My uterus is maxed out in amniotic fluid, which explains why her pokes and kicks may seem a little uncomfortable these days. Antibodies are being passed from me to her as she continues to develop her own immune system.
:) Get ready little girl!

Friday, September 25, 2009

31 Weeks and two showers around the corner

Today marks my 31st week of being pregnant...which is a week away from 8 months! These past few weeks I have noticed a major difference in her kicking...Wow, what a punch she has! My belly has really started to stick out and take on some major movements as she plays around in there. I just can't explain the experience this has been.
So here we are at the end of September, with less than 2 months left to go, and this weekend I am getting showered with gifts! Saturday I have a shower at my house with all of my girlfriends. I am so excited about this one because I know that it's going to be a blast! Then Sunday, Don's Family is giving me a shower in the afternoon. I can't wait to see all the many gifts that everyone has gotten for our new little baby on the way! Don and I are so blessed to have such great friends and family willing to help out in our lives!
As many of you know that Don and I were not planning on having children for a few more years, so the news of us being pregnant really hit me hard. I have to admit, I really struggled. I struggled with the timing, with our finances, with the size of our home, just asking God why now. I even began to question God, but as we all know..He knows what he is doing. It really took me a while before I could say to myself, God is in control of this..not you Alison! So I stared to pray that God would change my attitude towards this situation. That he would replace my fears, questions, and doubts with excitement, joy, and love. And thank goodness he has started to answer my prayers!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 30

photo by: a.nation

Here we are at 30 weeks, only 10 more (or less) to go!!! WOW!!! Talk about a crazy feeling, to think that she will be here soon! Be praying for us as we quickly approach the end.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 29

Here I am again at my weekly post with another photo. Man how I am growing!!! This week, Baby Nation can be as tall as 17 inches and can weigh nearly 3 pounds. Though already coming pretty close of her ultimate birth length, she still has lots to gain. Over the next 11 weeks, Baby Nation comes close to tripling in her weight. Much of her weight will come from the fat accumulating under her skin, and as she plumps up, the room in my womb will start to fell a little cramped. Making it less likely that I'll feel hard kicks, and more likely that I'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows ad knees. By the end of this month, my baby's home can be felt around 4.5 inches above my belly button!
Due to my husband being a police officer and his crazy schedule, we are unable to attend any 6 week long classes. But, tomorrow at the hospital where I'm going to deliver, Erlanger Women's East, they offer an all day crash course in Lamaze. So, we have signed up for this class and I am excited to get there and learn all about this birthing stuff. Wish us luck as we tackle "going back to school."

Friday, September 4, 2009

7 months today!

Today marks the 7 month "milestone." With only 2 more months to go, I am finally starting to get a little excitement in my heart. "Thank you Lord!" I guess I am realizing that this is a situation that can not be changed, so I need to just make the best of it and enjoy it before the moment is gone.
This week Baby Nation graduates to a new growth chart, measuring head to toe in length. She is about 15 inches long (over a foot!!!) and is weighing a little over 2 pounds. She has been overly active the last few days and I am starting to think how I will miss her little tumbles in my belly once she gets here. What a crazy feeling being pregnant is!
My next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8th at 10am. At this visit I am having a sugar test done, along with a RhoGam shot. Needless to say that I am nervous about this one! For those of you who do not know what a RhoGam shot is; it is a shot that is given to a mother at 27 weeks and also at time of birth. This is done if the mother has a negative blood type and the father is a positive blood type, which could cause the baby to have a positive blood type. The shot is a precausion to the mother and any future baby to prevent the antibodies from treating the baby as an intruder and attacking it. So please pray for us as we go in for this appointment.
On a lighter note...I am approaching the point in my pregnancy where if I wanted to have a 3D Ultrasound done, we could schedule it within the next couple weeks. This is something that Don and I have discussed and decided not to do, due to insurance not paying for this procedure. A really good friend of mine, Jessica Winn Lillard, knew about the situation and wanted to be a DEAR friend. She has announced that she wants to take care of this ultrasound as a shower gift, so Don and I can experience this magical moment as parents!!!
Thank you so much Jess! You are such an amazing friend!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

27 weeks. One more week and I'm at 7 months!!!

So here we are at my 27th week and I am starting to realize that this baby is coming in just a few short months. Talk about CRAZY!!! So we have been getting things ready for this little girl to be here. (Am I ready, NO!!! Is our house ready, just about!)
So let me update you on her room. In our house, we only have a two bedroom. We have our room and then we made the other room my office so I can work at home. Now that we have a baby on the way, we decided to make her room be a nursery/office. On one side of the room is my desk, a bookshelf and a file cabinet. On the other side of the room is going to be her side...her bed, changing table, rocking know, all the baby stuff. Well, to make this seem more of her room and not my office, we decided to put stripes on the wall where her bed is going to be. Her theme is going to be elephants and her colors are green, pink, white, and brown. This past week we had my Dad come up and help us paint "her side of the room." Here is a picture of what the finished project looks like.

photo by: a.nation

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today I'm 26 weeks along!

Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and 14 more weeks to go! WOW is that scary!!! This week Baby Nation is now a full 2 pounds and measures at 9+ inches long. Her eyes are beginning to open and is now able to see - though there's not much to see in her uterine of a home! She now has the sense of sight and hearing causing me to notice an increase in activity when she sees a bright light or hears a loud noise. (Although I haven't yet!)
Overall I am doing really well. Baby Nation is a lot more active now and you can see my belly move when she gives me those nice kicks and punches! I haven't been exercising as much as I was in the beginning. It has been too hot for me to walk, but I know that I need to get back into it. My next appointment is September 8th. At this appointment they are going to do a glucose screening test, which will determine if I have gestational diabetes. So pray for me during this time because I really don't want anything to be an issue at this point.
I will keep everyone updated on how things are going in the next week.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

24 weeks!!!

So here I am guys at 24 weeks and growing like crazy! This week, Baby Nation is 1.5 lbs and about 8.5 inches in length. Her weekly weight gain is now about 6 ounces which is coming from accumulating baby fat, growing organs, bones, and muscles. By now her face is almost fully formed complete with eyelashes, eyebrows and a sprinkling of hair. (We are hoping for a red head folks!) My Mother is a red head, along with Don's maybe Baby Nation will get the red genes!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

23 weeks and a year older!

As most of you know, Don and I just got back from a well needed vacation to the beach. What a great time that was for us to spend some alone time together as seeing this will change in the near future. I did have a little trouble swelling while I was there, but that all went away once we got back to TN. I think it was just the hot weather and the long ride. I have grown, a lot, well it feels like a lot, while I was there. Although, I'm sure it didn't help that I DID NOT watch what I ate while I was there. I thought, "Hey, I'm on vacation! If I want a two scoop ice cream cone, then I'm gonna get it!" Probably not the best thing once I realized I had gotten bigger! HAHA, we'll see how much I have gained this month when I got to the doctor again next Monday.
This week I am 23 weeks, which puts me in my 6 month, according to my What To Expect When You're Expecting book. This month marks the last of the second trimester, which means I'm almost two thirds of the way there. (Which scares the crap out of me!) It also says that little Nation is around 8 inches long and just over a pound in weight and she will begin to pack on the pounds (including me!). HUH! But by the end of the month, baby Nation will be double the weight she is now.
August 2nd was my birthday, and if you know me...then you know that I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!! This year I turned 25, hitting the half-way mark to 30, which I'm not too excited about! But none the less, it was my birthday. So seeing as I felt it was a big deal, Don made arrangements to invite my parents, my brothers family, his parents, his brothers family, and then a few of my friends (which Lori was the only one that was able to come) to go to the Olive Garden (which is my favorite place to eat) on Sunday night. We had a really good time visiting with the whole family together in one room along with their little ones. As I was sitting there I could not help but to thing that next year we would have one of our own, and I'll be turning 26!!! GOSH!! I got a few gifts from the family and then enjoyed an ice cream cake Don had ordered for me when we got home. All around it was a good birthday!

Friday, July 24, 2009

22 wks at the BEACH!

Today was my 22 week mark and Don and I are spending it at the beach! Dons parents happened to be taking their camper to Flagler Beach FL, which is between St. Augustine and Daytona, and invited us to tag along. Man oh man did we decide to jump on that. Don and I haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon...and considering that I'm expecting...we thought we might need to go to get some "me and him time" before the little one comes. We've only been here one day and I've already gotten 3 pictures that I wanted to post. :)

all photos by: a.nation

Now, onto Baby Nation and what she is up to this week...
Our baby weighs a whopping pound (prob. more now cuz that's how much she weighed last week at the dr.) and measures nearly eight inches long. She is about the size of a small doll who can now perceive light and dark. She can also hear my voice, my heartbeat, my gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through my body. Not to mention the fact that my belly is growing on a daily basis!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Banana needs a dress!!!

Here we are at 21 weeks, and finally knowing what Baby Nation is going to be. This week baby girl is about 7 inches in length and 12 ounces in weight. If I'd like for my baby to have a taste for bananas, then eat up amniotic fluid differes from day to day depending on what I've eaten, now that the baby is swallowing amniotic fluid each day, she will be getting a taste of what's on my menu. Her arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are connected between brain and muscles, and cartilage within the body is turning to bone. Yeah, grow baby, grow!!
I am excited to say that Don and I are getting ready to head out of state on a well needed VACATION!!! We are leaving this Thursday, July 23rd, and won't be back until next Thursday, July 30th. We are going to Flagler Beach, FL, which is between St. Augustine and Daytona, and we are so looking forward to this time together...alone...for it will be our LAST!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A little GIRL is in our future!!!

Well folks, here I am at 20 weeks!!! And what a difference there is in my last photo of myself and today. I've grown A LOT!!!
If any of you have not heard the news, Don and I are expecting a little GIRL!!! Oh yeah, I am totally excited. I have wanted a little girl ever since I was old enough to care about things like that. What are we going to name her? Well, as I have said in previous post...her name will be
Capri Violet Grace Nation. There is a song by Colbie Caillat called Capri, and everyone that reads my blog should totally find this song and listen to it. This song is what inspired me to name my baby girl Capri, it's such a beautiful song.
So I have a small story to tell about myself. If you don't know, Don and I lived in Clarksville, TN while I attended Austin Peay. Before Don and I got married, I lived in the dorms and had a roomed with Krista for a semester. Well, she made this elephant a few months ago (in blue and white to go with her unknow baby on the way) and posted it onto her blog. I fell in LOVE!!! (being the elephant lover that i am) She told me to pick out a color scheme that I would like and she would make me one as well. I picked out the colors; pink, green, brown, and white....really girly colors. Once we found out that we were both pregnant, whithin days apart, she asked if I would want her to wait until I knew the sex of the baby before she made it for me. Now that we know, it is really ironic that I picked out the color scheme of my nursery before I even knew I was pregnant!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

We're having a mango!!!

So here I am at 19 weeks along!!! Even though my stomach is growing and I can now feel Baby Nation inside me, it still seems so unreal. I can not believe that Don and I are going to be parents!!!
And talk about excitement for our upcoming appointment on the 13th, that is just 8 days away. I can not wait to find out what little Baby Nation is going to be! We can finally decide on a name and stop calling it an "IT". This week baby is 6 inches long and a half pound in weight. And it is starting to hear and learn the sound of my voice along with others. What an amazing journey this baby stuff is!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sweet Potato at week 18!!!

Okay, I know this picture is not the cutest thing we have all seen....but, that's the size of the little baby growing in my tummy right about now. Today I am officially 18 weeks along, and Baby Nation is filling out nicely, and getting larger. I am even feeling all of its kicks and punches now. At this point the baby is complete with fingerprints on his/her fingertips and toes! So it is safe to say now that I am over morning sickness...THANK GOODNESS!!! I am a much happier person now that I do not feel sick all the time. And I think I am in my "nesting" mood now. Yesterday afternoon, after Don went to work, I rearranged the office space/soon to be nursery. Since our house is so small, we have to convert the office into an office/nursery all in one. I have been trying to get things all in order on the office side of the room so we will be ready to start moving baby furniture in. Right now there is just a very organized desk and book shelf with a wicker chair, rocking chair, couch, dresser, Amos' toys, a baby bouncy chair, and a baby swing. A CLUTTERED DISASTER!!!...soon to be organized. Actually, I do not dread doing just that, as a matter of fact, it sounds pretty fun! What can I say, I am an organized freak!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Baby Onion at 17wks

So here we are at 17 weeks, carring an onion!!! Baby Nation is about 5 inches in length and 5 or more in ounces. One skill that baby is practicing now is sucking and swallowing and the heartbeat is between 140 to 150 beats per minute. As for me, I am feeling much better!! No sickness in about two to three weeks!!! ;) and I am super excited about that. We do have another appointment scheduled for July 13th to find out what Baby Nation is going to be. I have to say I am a little nervous!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

16 and counting belly

So here I am, prego at 4 months. Thought everyone would like to see my belly growth! Just a small one, but getting bigger by the minute!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going on 16

Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks...which is 4 months. Baby Nation will be a whopping weight of 3 to 5 ounces and 4 to 5 inches long. At this point the baby is growing fast and the muscles are getting stronger...I will start to feel movement in a few weeks! I think my sickness may finally be on its way out the door. I have not felt bad in about a week, which is really exciting for me. I am so ready to be OVER this morning sickness stuff. And, is my belly ever growing! I have not started taking belly shots just yet, but I need to because I am growing fast. I do have a bump but I can still hide it pretty well. I was starting to wonder when was I going to grow?! I have been looking at the baby stuff, trying to get an idea of what I am going to register for. I have found the perfect bedding for a boy or a girl at target. I am worried that by the time people start buying me things that my designs that I liked will be gone! I guess that something I will have to swing with. I just wanted to give everyone an update on me and what is growing in my tummy!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 14

Here I am at 14 weeks, the beginning of my second trimester and my nausea is still making its ugly appearance here and there. Now the baby is about the size of a clenched fist -- or lemon, and might actually be sprouting some hair. As far as my body is concerned, nothing noticeable yet. I mean I can tell a small difference, but as far as anyone else...not so much. I have been exercising and making sure that I do not intake caffeine, unless it's chocolate of course! I want to be as healthy as possible, although a doughnut here and there keep calling my name!!!

Progress in the office/nursery???? ummm, not so much. I know what color palate I want to use for both sexes but we're not quite set on a theme. I have thought about doing elephants since I have always loved them and have a collection of elephant things myself, but nothing defiant! I really want to do something that is unusual and not so common. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them! Color wise, Boy: blue, green, brown; Girl: pink, green, brown.

Names??? Don has four names including his last name and I want to do the same for our kids. (that is if we decide to have another after this) For a boy, so far, we like: Finnly Eli Boyd Nation; for a girl, so far, we like: Capri Violet Grace Nation. We wanted to do a name that we both liked that was unique (Finnly & Capri), a family name (Boyd & Violet), and a biblical name (Eli & Grace)...that's the madness behind the idea. ;) I really, really, really hope that we can stick with these names because I like them so much. But my brother has informed me that Don & I will change our minds....we'll see!!!

So what I ask for in everyone that reads my blog is to PRAY!!! Pray hard that Don and I will be good, loving, christ centered parents. This is so important to me and what I fear the most! I fear that we will not be the best that we can be and that we will fail to lead our children to Christ. So keep us in your thoughts, heart, and prayers, for we need them all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

13 weeks and counting

Well, I am 13 weeks now and my morning sickness is still going strong!!! but not just in the morning, but all day long. I am only longing for this to pass and the next trimester joys to come so I can enjoy my breakfast, lunch, and dinners and for my energy to appear again. No wonder some people only do this once!!! So I'm asking for some encouragement, PLEASE!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

New News

So I have a little baby growing in my belly!!! Today, I am 9 weeks and 3 days along, making my due date to be November 27th! So as most of you know, if you are really my friend, that having a child was a big struggle with me. (not so much with Don) I am scared!!!! to DEATH!!! of raising a child!!! When I was younger I used to say that I wanted 3 kids and I wanted to have all of them by the time I was 27 years old. As the years kept passing and my age kept getting older, my mind started to change. The past couple of years I have been dealing I really want to have children or not! All my friends know my worries, so when Don and I found out we were pregnant, it was a very big surprise! But what is really ironic, I had just prayed to God a few weeks before we found out. I had prayed telling God that he knew all my fears and worries with having a child and I was turning them over to him. I knew Don wanted to have kids, and now that I'm 25, well, I'm at the right age to start having them. So I told God that I trusted him, and I turned everything over to him. If he thought that we were ready or not, it was in his hands. That is the ironic part, because when I prayed that little prayer I was 1 week pregnant!!! and I didn't even know it yet!!! Isn't that crazy??? So I know that this is in Gods plans, I'm just still a little scared! So please pray for me and Don, so that we will be God honoring parents!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

More Word Photos

Hello everyone! I have recently added a few more photos to my "Word Photos" collection. I thought you might want to take a look.

To one person you may be the world. - Bill Wilson

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you. - Psalm 37:4-5

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. - Proverbs 31:30

I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. Your unfailing love will last forever! Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens. - Psalms 89:1-2

photos by: a.nation

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I've been tagged

Joy tagged me to do 25 random questions. It is in the middle of the day and my husband is at work, so I have a few minutes to do these questions.

RULES:Step 1: respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.Step 2: tag—eight other untagged people.

1. Make a list of things you can see without getting up: I’m in the office, laptop, dest, art history books from college, bookcase, couch, my camera, amos' toys, amos, lamp, calendar....just a few items that makes up my office.
2. Favorite football team: Well, I am not a big football fan, but in honor of my husband I will say Tennessee Volunteers.

3. What are you wearing now? bluejeans, a long sleeve shirt, and i am barefoot!!

4. What color is your bedroom? mustard yellow

5. What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading? Bible, The Marriage you've Always Wanted by Gary Chapman, and Biblical Womanhood In the Home by various authors.

6. Do you nap a lot? Only on Sunday; that is if Don is working and i got all my laundry done on saturday.

7. Who was the last person you hugged? Joy Finch

8. What’s your current obsession/addiction?

9. What was the last thing you said aloud? "Bye babe, love you, be careful. See you later." (I was talking to Don as he left after lunch to go back to work)

10. What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
My email, my blog, and myspace.

11. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries at walmart

12. What are you listening to right now? Amos' new toy that we just bought him yesterday.

13. What is something you wish you could do more? Visit with my friends that I don't get to see much.

14. What gives you hope? Knowing that there are other Christan women going through the same struggles that I am and realizing that you just have to trust God!

15. What is your favorite weather, and why? I love the heat..i love the sun and the way it makes your skin feel.. so summer. (this was Joys answer, but I totally agree with her word for word!)

16. What time do you usually get up? 8-9am

17. What is your most challenging goal right now? To memorize scripture. I am slowly doing it, but memorization is just so hard for me. This is something that has been laid upon my heart to do.

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? On the coast in Maine.

19. Favorite vacation spot? The beach..any beach!

What is your favorite children’s book? I don't really have one spicific favorite book. Any book by Dr Seuss or something that has great illustrations.

21. Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you: IceCream!!!

22. If you could meet anyone famous - dead or alive - who would it be? Jack Johnson (musician)

23. What is something you have experenced in your life that you wish you could take back? My heartbrakeing relationship I had in high school.

24. If you could have any job in the world , what would it be? I am doing a part of my dream, but I would love to have my own line of gretting cards, invitations, birth announcements; anything print services.

25. Who is your hero? Parents who raise their children who become good godly people.

26. Who is the last person you talked to? My kitty, Amos (does he count?) If not, then my mother.

Who has invested the most in you other than your parents? My husband Don Nation, my college mentor David Bieloh, my coworker Ben Finch, and my newest friend Joy Finch!

My added question: Who do you wish you - could or could have - spend more time with?

So i tag Amanda, Lindsey, and Krista.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Latest works

Here are a few of my latest photos that I have taken. These three jumped out at me while I was editing and I thought I should post them. Are they not so beautiful? The weather has been great lately, really encouraging me to get out and take pictures. I hope you all enjoy these just as much as I do.

photos by: a.nation


Don and I went to visit my family in Birchwood a little over a week ago now. I did not intend on taking photos there but once I saw how cute Avery looked in his overalls, I could not resist. I thought all of you would like to see a few of my favorite pictures from that day.

photos by: a.nation

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So it has really been laid upon my heart to start memorizing scripture. This is such a hard thing for me to do because I don't memorize, I learn. I have taken three verses that I felt are very important and memorized them. It has taken me a little longer than the average person to do this because it's just so difficult for me. So, here they are:

Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. - Philipians 4:6

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

When Jesus spoke again to the people he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - John 8:12

And what a great blessing it has been for me to learn these verses. I take time every night to go over them and really think about what they mean to Christians and what they are saying to me. I encourage everyone to do the same.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Life

So I'm struggling with a few things now days. Things like friends and other things like not being in control even if I know that it's what God wants us to do. The good news is; Oh how I am growing in GOD. He has such a great plan for me and great plans for Don and I in our marriage. I just have to know that he will lead us to be what we need to be as husband and wife if we continue to give our lives to his will. I pray that God will light a fire in Dons heart so that he may become the spiritual leader in our family that I need as a husband and that our future children will need as a dad. I am struggling with my time frame that I have put on our lives, when God knows what his plan is for Don and I. I need to let go and trust that God will work in Dons heart on HIS time. I'm also struggling with a friendship that I feel is fading. Its like when you know in your heart something is not right with this relationship; where you can't put your finger on it but you think there may be a little anger involved. Are they mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Why don't we talk anymore? Where has this friendship gone? That is what I am feeling. I need to get down on my knees and pray for my friend. That's what is needed the most. To lift them up to God and to ask him what I need to do and if I have done something wrong that He will make that known to me so that I may know what to do to change it. Then today I took a walk with a "growing" friend of mine and we are going to start reading a book together called, Biblical Womanhood in the Home. Hopefully this will help make our godly friendship grow and our rolls as christian wives to grow. I look forward to this!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Amos Update

photo by: a.nation

Amos had to go to the doctor today,and as you read in my previous post, we were pretty worried about him having kitty leukemia. Well, he tested negative for this disease, which is GREAT! Hopefully this sickness that he does have will just run its course and be over with soon. So now we have to hang in there for a few more weeks to see if little Amos toughs it out. Thought you all might like to see this photo that I took of him being a lazy kitty.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Worried Mommy

Amos has had a rough two months. It all started when Don and I decided to get a new cat, well mostly me. We brought Bella into the house and Amos' whole world turned upside down. He has been battling sickness since she walked in and out of the front door. First he got a cold that settled in his throat which caused him to loose his voice. We took him to the doctor for that and soon after he got better. Bella stayed another two weeks while see was still struggling with a cold herself. We ended up taking her to the vet twice to get put on antibiotics. First time, no change, second time , again no change. This is when Amos started being so mean to her we decided to take her back. At this point it had been two weeks since he had first visited the doctor. This is when he started the sneezing. The sneezing went on for another two weeks, I thought it was just allergies he was dealing with, until he started coughing. This is when we decided to take little Amos back to the vet for another visit. They checked him out and decided to inject him with a steroid because they thought he just had allergies. His cough went away but the sneezing stayed around. Another week went by and Amos then lost his voice yet again and the sneezing just got worse. One night he kept me up all night sneezing his head off. The next day, back to the vet he went. This time the doctor said, "He should be better by tomorrow, if he is not better by Monday you need to give me a call." Well, here we are Monday and mommy is still worried. Over the weekend Amos has gained back his appetite, gotten his voice back, quit sneezing for one night, started sneezing again, and yet again lost his voice. So I am at my wits end. I do not know what to do or what is wrong with him. I know that he needs to go back to the doctor, but I dread what they are going to tell me. Before I left the vet on Friday, Amos' doctor asked me in he had been tested for leukemia. I checked his files and he had been tested, two years ago. What does that mean. I know what it means, that he could have leukemia. And if this is true I will just die!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A family visit

So my brother and his girlfriend, as you all know, have a baby together, Avery Kohl Delashmitt. Well, I had not seen him since Christmas so this past weekend my parents brought him to athens to visit with his Aunt Alison and Uncle Don. I thought that I might post a picture of him so all of you could see just how much he has grown!

photo by: a.nation

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So if you are a friend of mine, then you know how much I hate to get sick. Now, when I say this I am not talking about cold sick, I am talking about getting the stomach virus. I have been trying of avoid this virus that has been going around to everyone I know. First my friends, then Don's family, then my family. I have been staying clear of all these people until I knew for sure they were over this thing. And somehow, Don ended up getting it Monday night. When he called me from work, telling me that he was coming home early because he had gotten sick twice, I was freaking out. If my family had not have had it a few day prior, I would have left and spent a few days in Birchwood. So Don comes home, I fix a bed on the couch for myself, then I head off to Walmart to get the certin items that everyone needs when they have the stomach flu: Sprite, pop sickles, soup, and crackers. Unfortationaly we did not purchase these things when we got groceries two days before! Don was sick all night until about 4am, but he still did not go in to work the next day because he felt awful. That was Tuesday. Tuesday I completely bleached the house! I cleaned the bathroom first, then the kitchen! Tuesday night, even though Don had not been sick, I still lept on the couch just to make sure I wasn't getting the virus. Not after all that hard bleaching work I did. So today is a new day. Don felt 100x better and off to work he went this afternoon. I spent the whole morning, still avoiding Don as much as I could, washing clothes, bedding, towels, rugs...anything that came in contact with Don while he was under the weather. So I'm praying that I do not get sick and making Don stay on the couch tonight just to reinforce the virus that I'm not going down!!!!! Well, at least not without a fight!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Walk

photo by: a.nation

Today it snowed again, and it was BEAUTIFUL. Don and I took a drive around Athens and I took this lovely picture above. As some of you may remember, I took this same picture back in the fall at City Park. I thought everyone might enjoy seeing a different season. I am thinking about taking this same photo for each season and then framing them in my house. I thought it turned out great!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Word Photos

Hey guys! I wanted to post a few of my new photos that I am doing. I am so excited about these and I hope everyone likes looking at them! Let me know if any of you would like to purchase one!

Photo: White Flower

Photo: Tellico

Photo: Sun Trees


So if anyone noticed, I deleted all the blogs that I had posted about Bella. Sadly we had to take Bella back to the adoption agency, which was a HUGE decision for me to make! Things we just not getting any better, in fact they were getting worse. Amos was started meowing outside her bedroom at seven in the morning, this went on for three days. The last night she was here, he started doing that at 11:30pm and did not stop until 1:30am, I had had ENOUGH!!! Besides that, the last full day she was here, and what really made us decide to take her back, Amos was constantly chasing her around, jumping on her back and bitting her. When he would do this, Don would pick him up and hold him for a couple of minutes to give Bella a brake. When Don picked him up this particular time, he had some of her hair in his mouth. He had bitten her so hard, he had pulled some of her hair out. That was it for me, she had to go back. I was very sad. Sad for her because I knew that she was not happy here with this really mean cat that was constantly mean to her. Sad for Amos because we were yelling at him all the time. Sad for me because of the love that I started to get in my heart for her. But I knew that this was for the best. The night before she left was the hardest for me, I just laid in bed that night and cried myself to sleep. I miss her! The house is quiter without her here, like I said in a post that I deleted, she was a big "talker". But Amos is back to normal, which is really good. I started to miss they was that he used to be. Hopefully Bella will get adopted to a really nice home, one that will be better than what we could give her. *my heart brakes* I miss you baby girl!!!
So there is the whole story about the cats and I would really like it if no one would talk to me about it because it makes me really sad!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow Day

photo by: a.nation

Today was beautiful! It was the first snow that we have had in our new home. I thought everyone might like to see a photo that I took when it just started to lay on the ground.
As most of you may know, Don's grandmother past away last April. It hasn't even been a full year yet, and everyone is still making adjustments to life without Grandy. Today was a sad day for me, and even if Don didn't say, I know it was for him as well. Grandy LOVED snow! Today it snowed all day long. I first noticed it snowing at 10:30am this morning and it continued to snow until it got so dark outside I could not tell if it was still snowing or had quit. Don and I lived right down the street from her old house, and it only made me think of how happy she would have been to see the snow all day long. And how we probably would have spend most of the day at her house enjoying the view with her. "We miss you Grandy!"

Friday, January 9, 2009

After the Holiday update

So my Christmas was busy, I guess that goes for everyone who is married and has to juggle a couple of family dinners in one day. Not to mention that my husband has been working second shift through the holidays, so that made things even more difficult. But they turned out great! Don and I got a lot of money for Christmas, and since when we moved into our house the shower had a crack in the bottom, we used our Christmas money to renovate. Now our shower is AWESOME! Other than that we got a few small stuff like; cookbooks, Don got some police stuff, clothes, and I got a really cool chair to go in the living room, along with a quilt rack. We had a great Christmas.

For New Years Eve, which is when we first met so we always celebrate that together, Don was working so we went out the night before to The Coppers Cellar in Knoxville, then to see Benjamin Button. We had a really good time going out on a date together, we haven't done that in while. The next holiday that is coming up is Valentines Day, and I LOVE Valentines Day. So I look forward to that. I'm thinking about making Don a surprise dinner, but I'm not sure what to make just yet. Let me know if you have any really good recipes I could try.

(I deleted the section about Bella)