Sunday, August 30, 2009

27 weeks. One more week and I'm at 7 months!!!

So here we are at my 27th week and I am starting to realize that this baby is coming in just a few short months. Talk about CRAZY!!! So we have been getting things ready for this little girl to be here. (Am I ready, NO!!! Is our house ready, just about!)
So let me update you on her room. In our house, we only have a two bedroom. We have our room and then we made the other room my office so I can work at home. Now that we have a baby on the way, we decided to make her room be a nursery/office. On one side of the room is my desk, a bookshelf and a file cabinet. On the other side of the room is going to be her side...her bed, changing table, rocking know, all the baby stuff. Well, to make this seem more of her room and not my office, we decided to put stripes on the wall where her bed is going to be. Her theme is going to be elephants and her colors are green, pink, white, and brown. This past week we had my Dad come up and help us paint "her side of the room." Here is a picture of what the finished project looks like.

photo by: a.nation