Friday, September 4, 2009

7 months today!

Today marks the 7 month "milestone." With only 2 more months to go, I am finally starting to get a little excitement in my heart. "Thank you Lord!" I guess I am realizing that this is a situation that can not be changed, so I need to just make the best of it and enjoy it before the moment is gone.
This week Baby Nation graduates to a new growth chart, measuring head to toe in length. She is about 15 inches long (over a foot!!!) and is weighing a little over 2 pounds. She has been overly active the last few days and I am starting to think how I will miss her little tumbles in my belly once she gets here. What a crazy feeling being pregnant is!
My next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8th at 10am. At this visit I am having a sugar test done, along with a RhoGam shot. Needless to say that I am nervous about this one! For those of you who do not know what a RhoGam shot is; it is a shot that is given to a mother at 27 weeks and also at time of birth. This is done if the mother has a negative blood type and the father is a positive blood type, which could cause the baby to have a positive blood type. The shot is a precausion to the mother and any future baby to prevent the antibodies from treating the baby as an intruder and attacking it. So please pray for us as we go in for this appointment.
On a lighter note...I am approaching the point in my pregnancy where if I wanted to have a 3D Ultrasound done, we could schedule it within the next couple weeks. This is something that Don and I have discussed and decided not to do, due to insurance not paying for this procedure. A really good friend of mine, Jessica Winn Lillard, knew about the situation and wanted to be a DEAR friend. She has announced that she wants to take care of this ultrasound as a shower gift, so Don and I can experience this magical moment as parents!!!
Thank you so much Jess! You are such an amazing friend!!!


Robin Nation said...

I'm very excited too. I remember the neat feeling of the baby (or babies) in my case in your belly. You do miss it, even now I think of it.

One of my favorite verses is Psm 139 where David says he was fearfully and wonderfully made in his mother womb. God knew all his days before there was even one of them. Little Baby Nation is still under the makers care and I pray He will protect with his mighty hands, Just think she will be coming straight from heaven and it has not been long since she was with her Savior Jesus. It's like have a touch of heaven in your arms. Love you Robin