Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Growing up

Today Capri had her follow-up appointment with her G.I. Doctor. We have had such issues with her doctors. First it was her ped. so we changed, then it was her g.i. ped, so we changed again. This time we changed to a doctor in cleveland. (well he comes to his office in cleveland once a week.) His name is Dr. Laman. We LOVED him!!! Capri is doing great. He talked to us a little bit about when to start her on baby food. Cereal at 4 months, then baby food at 6. Start with vegtables first, doing one vegtable at a time to see if she has a reaction to any of them, then go to fruits. "Don't do fruits first because she may like the sweetness of them and not want to eat her veggies." Once she starts getting a little older we have to start reading labels. Avoid anything that has: milk, soy, caserin, and whey in them. Then at 18 months she will have a milk allergy test on her skin to make sure that she doesn't have an anafilactic reation to the milk. If she doesn't then we can introduce milk into her diet. If she then has a g.i. reation to milk, we have to wait until she is 2 to try again. But, he is hopeing that she'll grow out of the intolerance by the time she is 1. We're going to keep her on Prevacid once a day and then drop the dosses of Zantac to once a day at bed time. After about 3 weeks we can try and take her off the Zantac to see if there is much of a difference. So, that's the update on little Capri!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

So I'm a little down

This post is more for myself, so I can get a few things off my chest.
I, as a mother, has decided to put Capri on a schedule. It is hard! In fact, I often doubt myself and even question my choice in doing so because it is so much WORK!!! Often, I go to others for advice, being Capri as my first child, I want to make sure that I am doing the best that I can. I know that each child is different and that what works for one may not work for the other. So I am on a mission to find out what works best for my little one! There is that someone that I, and as many others may know through their own experiences, go to the most! The one that you are the closest to. The one you know that will give you an answer because she has gone through the same things. The one that you feel most comfortable talking with. But, because I am not doing what she did, I feel a little frustration there and it brakes my heart! Frustration on my end because I want someone to help me and to tell me what I should try and what I should not do. And I want support in the decisions that I make. I feel frustration on her end because I am not doing what she did, so she can't relate to me in that way to help.
Now, I feel like I am on my own. Which I guess it is time for me to step up to the plate. Its time to stop asking for advice from everyone around me, and just do what I feel is the best for Capri. I just feel like the more I open my mouth about what I'm doing with Capri, the more I'm getting everyone! I am just down and in need of a great deal of encouragement.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Capri did GREAT!

We dedicated our little girl on Sunday at Clearwater. I was a little nervous about taking her to church, for this was the first time that she had been there since she was born. We have finally got her on somewhat of a schedule, so she ate at 8:30am and then nap time started at 10:00am. The service that we took her to was at 9:30am, so it was right before her nap time. Sometimes when she gets sleepy and we aren't at home for me to put her in her bed, she get VERY fussy. But not on Sunday, she was such a good girl! :) We dedicated her at the beginning of the service and she was asleep in my arms by 10am. I was so proud of her, she did great!