Monday, January 26, 2009

Word Photos

Hey guys! I wanted to post a few of my new photos that I am doing. I am so excited about these and I hope everyone likes looking at them! Let me know if any of you would like to purchase one!

Photo: White Flower

Photo: Tellico

Photo: Sun Trees


So if anyone noticed, I deleted all the blogs that I had posted about Bella. Sadly we had to take Bella back to the adoption agency, which was a HUGE decision for me to make! Things we just not getting any better, in fact they were getting worse. Amos was started meowing outside her bedroom at seven in the morning, this went on for three days. The last night she was here, he started doing that at 11:30pm and did not stop until 1:30am, I had had ENOUGH!!! Besides that, the last full day she was here, and what really made us decide to take her back, Amos was constantly chasing her around, jumping on her back and bitting her. When he would do this, Don would pick him up and hold him for a couple of minutes to give Bella a brake. When Don picked him up this particular time, he had some of her hair in his mouth. He had bitten her so hard, he had pulled some of her hair out. That was it for me, she had to go back. I was very sad. Sad for her because I knew that she was not happy here with this really mean cat that was constantly mean to her. Sad for Amos because we were yelling at him all the time. Sad for me because of the love that I started to get in my heart for her. But I knew that this was for the best. The night before she left was the hardest for me, I just laid in bed that night and cried myself to sleep. I miss her! The house is quiter without her here, like I said in a post that I deleted, she was a big "talker". But Amos is back to normal, which is really good. I started to miss they was that he used to be. Hopefully Bella will get adopted to a really nice home, one that will be better than what we could give her. *my heart brakes* I miss you baby girl!!!
So there is the whole story about the cats and I would really like it if no one would talk to me about it because it makes me really sad!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow Day

photo by: a.nation

Today was beautiful! It was the first snow that we have had in our new home. I thought everyone might like to see a photo that I took when it just started to lay on the ground.
As most of you may know, Don's grandmother past away last April. It hasn't even been a full year yet, and everyone is still making adjustments to life without Grandy. Today was a sad day for me, and even if Don didn't say, I know it was for him as well. Grandy LOVED snow! Today it snowed all day long. I first noticed it snowing at 10:30am this morning and it continued to snow until it got so dark outside I could not tell if it was still snowing or had quit. Don and I lived right down the street from her old house, and it only made me think of how happy she would have been to see the snow all day long. And how we probably would have spend most of the day at her house enjoying the view with her. "We miss you Grandy!"

Friday, January 9, 2009

After the Holiday update

So my Christmas was busy, I guess that goes for everyone who is married and has to juggle a couple of family dinners in one day. Not to mention that my husband has been working second shift through the holidays, so that made things even more difficult. But they turned out great! Don and I got a lot of money for Christmas, and since when we moved into our house the shower had a crack in the bottom, we used our Christmas money to renovate. Now our shower is AWESOME! Other than that we got a few small stuff like; cookbooks, Don got some police stuff, clothes, and I got a really cool chair to go in the living room, along with a quilt rack. We had a great Christmas.

For New Years Eve, which is when we first met so we always celebrate that together, Don was working so we went out the night before to The Coppers Cellar in Knoxville, then to see Benjamin Button. We had a really good time going out on a date together, we haven't done that in while. The next holiday that is coming up is Valentines Day, and I LOVE Valentines Day. So I look forward to that. I'm thinking about making Don a surprise dinner, but I'm not sure what to make just yet. Let me know if you have any really good recipes I could try.

(I deleted the section about Bella)