Monday, March 2, 2009

Worried Mommy

Amos has had a rough two months. It all started when Don and I decided to get a new cat, well mostly me. We brought Bella into the house and Amos' whole world turned upside down. He has been battling sickness since she walked in and out of the front door. First he got a cold that settled in his throat which caused him to loose his voice. We took him to the doctor for that and soon after he got better. Bella stayed another two weeks while see was still struggling with a cold herself. We ended up taking her to the vet twice to get put on antibiotics. First time, no change, second time , again no change. This is when Amos started being so mean to her we decided to take her back. At this point it had been two weeks since he had first visited the doctor. This is when he started the sneezing. The sneezing went on for another two weeks, I thought it was just allergies he was dealing with, until he started coughing. This is when we decided to take little Amos back to the vet for another visit. They checked him out and decided to inject him with a steroid because they thought he just had allergies. His cough went away but the sneezing stayed around. Another week went by and Amos then lost his voice yet again and the sneezing just got worse. One night he kept me up all night sneezing his head off. The next day, back to the vet he went. This time the doctor said, "He should be better by tomorrow, if he is not better by Monday you need to give me a call." Well, here we are Monday and mommy is still worried. Over the weekend Amos has gained back his appetite, gotten his voice back, quit sneezing for one night, started sneezing again, and yet again lost his voice. So I am at my wits end. I do not know what to do or what is wrong with him. I know that he needs to go back to the doctor, but I dread what they are going to tell me. Before I left the vet on Friday, Amos' doctor asked me in he had been tested for leukemia. I checked his files and he had been tested, two years ago. What does that mean. I know what it means, that he could have leukemia. And if this is true I will just die!


Krista said...


Alison. I'm really hoping that little Amos is okay. Pets have been on my mind a lot today - we saw a dog get hit right in front of our house, all because the owner doesn't love the dog enough in some sort of fence. It made us both sick to think of losing our little dogs... I just looked up leukemia symptoms, and sneezing isn't anywhere to be found, so keep your chin up. I wonder if Bella was sick with anything?