Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going on 16

Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks...which is 4 months. Baby Nation will be a whopping weight of 3 to 5 ounces and 4 to 5 inches long. At this point the baby is growing fast and the muscles are getting stronger...I will start to feel movement in a few weeks! I think my sickness may finally be on its way out the door. I have not felt bad in about a week, which is really exciting for me. I am so ready to be OVER this morning sickness stuff. And, is my belly ever growing! I have not started taking belly shots just yet, but I need to because I am growing fast. I do have a bump but I can still hide it pretty well. I was starting to wonder when was I going to grow?! I have been looking at the baby stuff, trying to get an idea of what I am going to register for. I have found the perfect bedding for a boy or a girl at target. I am worried that by the time people start buying me things that my designs that I liked will be gone! I guess that something I will have to swing with. I just wanted to give everyone an update on me and what is growing in my tummy!