Monday, April 27, 2009

New News

So I have a little baby growing in my belly!!! Today, I am 9 weeks and 3 days along, making my due date to be November 27th! So as most of you know, if you are really my friend, that having a child was a big struggle with me. (not so much with Don) I am scared!!!! to DEATH!!! of raising a child!!! When I was younger I used to say that I wanted 3 kids and I wanted to have all of them by the time I was 27 years old. As the years kept passing and my age kept getting older, my mind started to change. The past couple of years I have been dealing I really want to have children or not! All my friends know my worries, so when Don and I found out we were pregnant, it was a very big surprise! But what is really ironic, I had just prayed to God a few weeks before we found out. I had prayed telling God that he knew all my fears and worries with having a child and I was turning them over to him. I knew Don wanted to have kids, and now that I'm 25, well, I'm at the right age to start having them. So I told God that I trusted him, and I turned everything over to him. If he thought that we were ready or not, it was in his hands. That is the ironic part, because when I prayed that little prayer I was 1 week pregnant!!! and I didn't even know it yet!!! Isn't that crazy??? So I know that this is in Gods plans, I'm just still a little scared! So please pray for me and Don, so that we will be God honoring parents!!!